The body of the issuer who took the decision General Meeting of Shareholders
Date of report approval 25.06.2017

Full "Chilonzor buyum savdo kompleksi" Joint-Stock Company
Short: "Chilonzor buyum savdo kompleksi" JSC
Name of stock exchange ticker: No
Location: Tashkent, Chilanzar district, Bunyodkor shoh street, house 156a
Postal address: Tashkent, Chilanzar district, Bunyodkor shoh street, house 156a
E-mail address: Бу электрон манзил спамлардан химояланган. Уни куриш учун JavaScript ни ишга туширишингиз керак.
Official Website: www.chbsk.uz
Name of the serving bank: Ipoteka bank Chilonzor branch
Current account: 20208000300111888001
MFI: 997
assigned by the registering body: 6528
assigned by the State Tax Service (TIN): 200797009
appropriated by bodies of state statistics
CFS: 144
OKPO: 15323832
OKONH: 83200
SOATO: 1726294

5 Indicators of financial and economic condition of the issuer
Profitability of the authorized capital, coefficient
Coverage of total solvency, coefficient
Ratio of absolute liquidity, coefficient
Ratio of own and attracted funds, coefficient
Coefficient of renewal of fixed assets
The ratio of the issuer's own and borrowed funds:

6 Coefficient of renewal of fixed assets
On ordinary stocks (in soums per stock)
On ordinary stocks (in percentage to the face value of one stock)

7 The amount of accrued income on securities in the reporting year
On ordinary stocks (according to the results of the reporting period (in soums))
On ordinary stocks (according to the results of previous periods (in soums))

11 Balance sheet
Indicator name Code p. At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period
I. Long-term assets
Non-Current Assets: 000
Initial (replacement) value (01,03) 010 40476263.20 43516879.40
Depreciation amount (0200) 011 9196583.40 10068694.00
Residual (book) value (lines 010-011) 012 31279679.80 33448185.40
Intangible assets: 000
Initial value (0400) 020
Depreciation amount (0500) 021
Residual value (carrying amount) (020-021) 022
Long-term investments, total (lines: 040+050+060+070+080), including: 030 36323.00 36323.00
Securities (0610) 040 22841.00 22841.00
Investments in subsidiaries (0620) 050
Investments in associated companies (0630) 060
Investments in enterprises with foreign capital (0640) 070
Other long-term investments (0690) 080 13482.00 13482.00
Equipment for installation (0700) 090
Capital investments (0800) 100 12967764.10 12967764.10
Long-term receivables (0910, 0920, 0930, 0940) 110
Out of which,over due receivables 111
Long-term deferred expenses (0950, 0960, 0990) 120
TOTAL ON SECTION I (012+022+030+090+100+110+120) 130 44283766.90 46452272.50
Inventories, total (lines 150+160+170+180), including: 140 1221402.30 723735.90
Inventories in stock (1000,1100,1500,1600) 150 506402.30 629331.40
Work in progress (2000, 2100, 2300, 2700) 160
Finished products (2800) 170
Goods (2900 less 2980) 180 715000.00 94404.50
Future expenses (3100) 190 16167.30 16167.40
Deferred expenses (3200) 200
Receivables, total (lines 220+240+250+260+270+280+290+300+310) 210 2940300.40 2967169.60
out of which: receivables in arrears 211
Receivables due from buyers and customers (4000 less 4900) 220
Receivables due from subdivisions (4110) 230
Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates (4120) 240
Advances to employees (4200) 250
Advances to suppliers and contractors (4300) 260 831348.40 824301.40
Advances for taxes and levies on budget (4400) 270 114390.56
Advances to target funds and on insurance (4500) 280
Receivables due from founders to authorized capital (4600) 290
Receivables due from personnel on other operations (4700) 300 3304.40 2943.80
Other account receivables (4800) 310 1991257.00 2139924.40
Cash, total (lines 330+340+350+360), including: 320 2334452.40 2368889.70
Cash on hand (5000) 330
Cash on settlement account (5100) 340 59452.40 83889.70
Cash in foreign currency (5200) 350
Other cash and cash equivalents (5500, 5800, 5700) 360 2285000.00 2285000.00
Short-term investments (5800) 370
Other current assets (5900) 380
TOTAL ON SECTION II (lines 140+190+200+210+320+370+380) 390 6522322.40 6075962.58
Total on assets of balance (130+390) 400 50806089.30 52528235.10
I. Sources of own funds
Authorized capital (8300) 410 23666141.00 23666141.00
Additional paid-in capital (8400) 420
Reserve capital (8500) 430 11960466.60 14420786.10
Treasury stock (8600) 440
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) (8700) 450 7375570.60 7838806.00
Special-purpose receipts (8800) 460
Reserves for future expenses and payments (8900) 470
TOTAL ON SECTION I (lines 410+420+430+440+450+460+470) 480 43002178.20 45925733.10
Long-term liabilities, total (lines 500+520+530+540+550+560+570+580+590) 490
including: long-termaccounts payable (lines 500+520+540+580+590) 491
Out of which: Long term accounts payable 492
Long-term accounts due to suppliers and contractors (7000) 500
Long-term accounts due to subdivisions (7110) 510
Long term accounts due to subsidiaries and associates (7120) 520
Long-term deferred income (7210, 7220, 7230) 530
Long-term deferred tax liabilities and other mandatory payments (7240) 540
Other long-term deferred liabilities (7250, 7290) 550
Advances from buyers and customers (7300) 560
Long-term bank loans (7810) 570
Long-term borrowings (7820, 7830, 7840) 580
Other long-term accounts payable (7900) 590
Current liabilities, total (lines 610+630+640+650+660+670+680+690+700+710+720+ +730+740+750+760) 600 7803911.10 6602502.00
including: current accounts payable (lines 610+630+650+670+6 80+6 90+700+710+720+760) 601 4796913.10 4315762.00
Out of which: accounts payable – in arrears 602
Due from suppliers and contractors (6000) 610 2967369.00 2030983.40
Due to subdivisions (6110) 620
Due to subsidiaries and associates (6120) 630 10660.90 3339.50
Deferred income (6210, 6220, 6230) 640 6998.00 1740.00
Deferred liabilities for taxes and mandatory payments (6240) 650
Other deferred liabilities (6250, 6290) 660
Advances received (6300) 670 977910.90 984898.00
Due to budget (6400) 680 269232.40 702015.70
Due to insurance (6510) 690 172964.40 180371.20
Due to state target funds (6520) 700
Due to founders (6600) 710
Salaries payable (6700) 720 79479.00 75218.40
Short-term bank loans (6810) 730 3000000.00 2285000.00
Short-term borrowings (6820, 6830, 6840) 740
Current portion of long-term liabilities (6950) 750
Other accounts payable (6900 except 6950) 760 319296.50 338844.80
Total on section II (lines 490+600) 770 7803911.10 6602502.00
Total on liabilities of balance sheet (lines 480+770) 780 50806089.30 52528235.10

12 Report on financial results
Indicator name Code p. At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period
income (profit) expenses (losses) income (profit) expenses (losses)
Net revenue from sales of products (goods, works and services) 010 4011689.60 4227020.10
Cost of goods sold (goods, works and services) 020
Gross profit (loss) from sales of production (goods, works and services) (lines 010-020) 030 4011689.60 4227020.10
Period expenditures, total (lines 050+060+070+080), including: 040 2694898.10 2130723.50
Costs to Sell 050
Administrative expenses 060 2694898.10 2130723.50
Other operating expenses 070
Expenses of the reporting period excluded from the tax base in the future 080
Other income from operating activities 090 39334.50 709160.70
Income (loss) from main activity (lines 0З0-040+090) 100 1356126.00 2805457.30
Earnings from financial activities, total (lines 120+130+140+150+160), including: 110 3025722.90 1592200.00
Dividend income 120 4772.90
Interest income 130
Income from long-term lease 140
Income from foreign exchange rate differences 150
Other income from financing activities 160 3020950.00 1592200.00
Expenses from financial operations (lines 180+190+200+210), including: 170
Expenses in the form of interest 180
Expenses in the form of interest on long-term lease 190
Loss from foreign exchange rate differences 200
Other expenses from financial operations 210
Income (loss) from general operations (lines 100+110-170) 220 4381848.90 4397657.30
Extraordinary profits and losses 230
Profit (loss) before income tax (lines 220+/-230) 240 4381848.90 4397657.30
Income tax 250
Other taxes and fees on profits 260 3265322.20 3934421.80
Net profit (loss) of the reporting period (lines 240-250-260) 270 1116526.70 463235.47

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